Veteran Supreme Court reporter, Linda Greenhouse , asked in a New York Times column this last weekend, “ How Did a Young, Unknown Lawyer Change the World? ” “ I’ve been asked repeatedly in recent days to explain Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s accomplishment: How did she, a young unknown lawyer, starting basically from scratch, persuade the nine men of the Supreme Court to join her in constructing a new jurisprudence of sex equality? I replied that she had a project, a goal from which she never deviated during her long career. It was to have not only the Constitution but also society itself understand men and women as equal. Fair enough, as far as that explanation goes. But I think it misses something deeper about Justice Ginsburg, who died last Friday at 87. What she had, in addition to passion, skill and a field marshal’s sense of strategy, was imagination. She envisioned a world different from the one she had grown up in, a better world in which gender was no obstacle to women’...