Sounds crazy that lawyers beginning to use the Internet would be viewed as a legal tech trend for 2018. But that’s what Keith Lee, a Birmingam attorney and editor of Associate’s Mind shared with Clio in their survey of “ Top Law Firm Technology Trends to Watch for in 2018 .” As Lee sees it, the biggest risk for lawyers in 2018 is the demand for legal services is not growing, it’s shrinking. Combine that with the trend I said was a threat last year (non-lawyer legal services) and that means there are more people competing for a pie that isn’t growing. Below average lawyers are going to be squeezed out. Jordan Couch ( @jordanlcouch ) of Palace Law agrees. As clients demand the same services for less money, lawyers will have to find new ways to increase volume if they are to maintain the same workload and profits. Reiterating his prediction from last year, Lee sees the internet as the biggest opportunity for solos and small firms to prevent from being squeezed out. Uber didn...