A jewelry artist with an online store shared on Reddit that she was considering launching a blog to drive business.
She could think of “a lot” of tutorials she could write about making jewelry. She was concerned though that if she told people how to make jewelry, they wouldn’t buy from her, they’d make their own.
She added that her work was complicated so the risk of people watching the tutorials, buying the materials and making the jewelry may be pretty low.
I responded (yep, I hang out in the blogging community on Reddit):
”People buy from those they trust, and blogging brings trust in spades. Showing or telling someone how to do something is not going to cause you to lose customers. Lawyers were afraid to blog because they were giving away their advice, and people would not call them. The exact opposite occurred. The more a lawyer blogged, the more work they got.”
Maybe it sounds obvious that lawyers give away information in their blogs. However, there are still many lawyers who fear giving away too much information will result in people doing the legal work themselves. Others stick merely to reporting legal updates and news in their blog.
Of course, lawyers are not going to want to give specific advise in a blog, but there is more than enough room to share “how to” information with people. Look around the net.
The care you show by sharing detailed information establishes trust. People who have a relevant legal need are more apt to call those they trust – and to mention you to those with a relevant need.
You’ll be showcasing how you explain legal matters to people and the tone in which you do so. People get to know you and like you.
Google will like you personally sharing information for local people on a regular basis. It’s true.
Most importantly, giving information away shows people you are interested in them.
As Dale Carnegie said about selling, “You can make more friends in two months by being interested in them, than in two years by making them interested in you.”
Answering common questions or sharing “how tos,” rather than solely blogging legal updates, news and commentary is a good way to grow business – not to have people do the legal work themselves.
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