Effective August 1, Facebook will no longer permit third-party tools to automatically post to “Profiles.” Facebook is sunsetting its API which allows users to automatically post updates to their “Profile Page” or News Feed. Only the Facebook API allowing automatic posts to Facebook Pages, will remain. This technique is used by thousands of WordPress blogs, including hundreds, if not thousands, of law blogs. WordPress blogs mostly accomplished this through the Jetpack plugin owned by WordPress.com’s parent company, Automattic. LexBlog platform customers will not be affected. We have steered clear of the Jetpack plugin and the protocols for making the connection to enable automatic posting as it posed a security risk to our customer’s sites. LexBlog is also of the strong belief that posting on social media varies by medium. Personal posting results in greater engagement because of its authenticity. Nothing Facebook is doing prevents bloggers from sharing their blog posts on Faceboo...