New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s morning briefings have become a staple for many, New Yorkers or not, on the state of the pandemic. Sunday morning Governor Cuomo ended with a story that he said taught him a lot. A story that taught him to question why we do what we do. To question the bureaucracy. To ask why we can’t do it a different way. Not everything has to be the way it is. Cuomo was of course referencing bringing New York back from the depths of this pandemic, for which he made clear the worst days are behind. His message struck me as equally appropriate to a couple things near and dear to my heart. One, our attempts to provide consumers and small business people meaningful access to legal services – especially during the pandemic and the years ahead. We need to question the way things have been done and the bureaucracy that holds change back. Despite years of debate and “action,” we have 85% of people never thinking of using a lawyer when a legal need arises. ...